Conferenze e presentazioni

25 - 27 settembre 2013

XLVII Congresso Internazionale SLI

CALL FOR PAPERS - Workshop "Intercomprensione, multilinguismo ricettivo, ibridazione: Aspetti linguistici, cognitivi e didattici"

L’intercomprensione valorizza quindi principi osservabili e osservati nelle pratiche spontanee di tutti i parlanti, che  nel contatto fra le lingue hanno dato origine a ibridazione e a mutamento linguistico.

Dal punto di vista cognitivo, l’intercomprensione suppone il riconoscimento, in un’altra lingua, di analogie e una capacità di gestire le zone più opache, con un evidente benefico sviluppo della consapevolezza dei processi di comprensione.

L’intercomprensione è considerata un valido strumento per diffondere il plurilinguismo.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il sito del Workshop.


Expolangues – Conférence organisée par Hachette FLE

L’intercompréhension : une autre approche pour l’enseignement des langues, le nouvel ouvrage de référence en didactique FLE dans la Collection F.

Explorez les voies d’une autre approche dans l’enseignement des langues, fondées d’abord sur l’intercompréhension, à l’écrit, mais aussi en production orale.

Avec les auteurs, Sandrine Caddéo (université d’Aix-en-Provence), Marie-Christine Jamet (université de Venise) et Gérard Vigner (directeur de la Collection F).


The George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies in collaborazione con l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles organizzano il Seminario Internazionale: "New Audiences for Italian: Italian for spanish speakers through intercomprehension".

The availability of Italian language courses in high schools and universities in the United States varies greatly, both as a function of cultural, geographical and historical realities. 

While Italian has become a stable language offering in East Coast institutions, especially in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, other regions, in particular the South, register little to no Italian language offerings, even in major research institutions. On the West Coast, Italian, while taught in many universities and colleges in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Washington, registers a low number offerings in high schools. This renders sustainability, strengthening and expansion of Italian programs highly problematic.

Additionally, the current and worsening budgetary limitations affecting all sectors of K-12 and public higher education could easily result in further program reductions and closures. Let us cite the closure of he long-standing University of Reno, Nevada program a few years ago. One of the realities that has not been seriously considered when contemplating the potential success of Italian programs is the ethnic reality.

Indeed, Spanish speakers constitute an overlooked audience for the teaching of Italian language, literature and culture in the target language. At California State University, Long Beach, we have long noticed that some 70-80% of the students in our language classes, as well as the upper-division cultural studies and literature courses taught in the target language, are Spanish speakers. The Spanish speakers fall into two categories:

  • Heritage speakers of Spanish
  • Spanish speakers who acquired Spanish in high school, community college,
  • or through other means

Indeed, heritage speakers comprise the majority of the 70-80% of Spanish speakers who populate our courses. The following demographic considerations lend substance to our observations.

Interverranno: Alberto Di Mauro (Direttore IIC di Los Angeles), Giuseppe Perrone (Console Generale di Italia), Olga Garay (Executive Director Dept. of Cultural Affairs City of Los Angeles), William Chang (Ed.D. World Languages and Cultures Coordinator, LAUSD), Clorinda Donato (George L. Graziadio Chair of Italian Studies, CSULB Principal Investigator, NEH Grant), Claire Martin (Professor of Spanish, Spanish Program Co-Director, CSULB Project Director, NEH Grant), Markus Muller (Chair, Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures Dept., Language Coordinator, CSULB, Project Specialist, NEH Grant), Simona Montanari (Associate Professor, Chil and Family Studies, CSULA) and Elisabetta Bonvino (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Coordinatrice EuRom5)



Centro Linguistico dell'Università  Roma Tre - Roma 

"Workshop: Intercomprensione con EuRom5" 

Sono intervenuti: Raffaele Simone (Università Roma Tre) – Elisabetta Bonvino (Università Roma Tre) – Salvador Pippa (Università Roma Tre) – Diego Cortés Velásquez (Università per Stranieri di Siena) – Mathilde Anquetil (Università di Macerata) – Elisa Fiorenza (Università Roma Tre) – Serena Faone (Università Roma Tre) – Giulia de Santis (Università Roma Tre).


Instituto Cervantes Roma

"Las lenguas románicas y el desarrollo de la comprensión en un proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje"

Seminario-taller en el que se trató el tema de la intercomprensión haciendo un recorrido desde la definición del término y los principios teóricos hasta los dispositivos creados para aprovechar tales principios en el ámbito didáctico. Se hizo una demostración práctica a través de un taller con textos de EuRom5. Se llegó a algunas conclusiones sobre el aprovechamiento de los principios de la intercomprensión en clases de español L2.  Enlace


Expolangues Paris

Cliquer ici pour voir la table ronde sur l'intercompréhension entre langues apparentées

Présentation d'EuRom5  (éditions Hoepli/La Maison du Dictionnaire, 2011)- salle Aimé-Césaire (17h -18h). Cliquer ici pour consulter le programme en ligne


Symposium Romanicum - Tel Aviv

L’Institut français d’Israël, l’Istituto italiano di cultura di Tel Aviv et l’Instituto Cervantes ont organisé du 28 novembre au 1er décembre 2011 un séminaire de formation conjoint à l’intercompréhension en langues romanes. La formation s'est terminée avec une conférence de Cyril Aslanov (Professeur à l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem) sur "Intercompréhension et hybridation à la faveur du contact entre langues romanes" suivie d'une table ronde sur "L'intercompréhension ou comment transformer une pratique spontanée en méthode d'apprentissage" à laquelle ont participé Cyril Aslanov, Elisabetta Bonvino, Sandrine Caddéo et Diego Cortés Velásquez. Pour plus d'information cliquez ici.